GoldRush UI Components
A complete set of React components to jumpstart your dApp journey.
Token Balances List
Multichain token balances with token logos, spot prices and 24h price deltas.
This interface provides a snapshot of an individual's or organization's token assets, commonly used for portfolio tracking and financial analysis. Displaying token logos, chain and token names, quote rates, balance, and value quotes—with sortable columns—it features delta values for recent balance changes. Users can also see the summed total quote for the entire wallet, offering a complete financial overview based on a single wallet address input.
import { TokenBalancesListView } from "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit";
export default function CovalentDemo() {
return <TokenBalancesListView />;
GoldRush UI Components
A complete set of React components to jumpstart your dApp journey.